For reference visit
Ethiopia: AAU Press | WU Press
Kenya: CUEA Press | Moi University Press | UONP
Namibia: UNAM Press
Nigeria: Ibadan University Press
Senegal: Presses Universitaires de Dakar
South Africa: Pretoria University Law Press | UCT Press | UNISA Press | UKZN Press | Wits University Press
Zambia: UNZA Press
Designing a concept to facilitate the setup of African University Presses (2023)
Association of University Presses Opens International Pairings Pilot (2021)
African university presses and the institutional logic of the knowledge commons (2018; DIO: 10.1002/leap.1187)
Scholarly publishing: The challenges facing the African university press (2012)
Association of University Presses;
JISC New University Press Toolkit;
AfricArXiv country profiles:
Zimbabwe country profile:
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