If you have comments, questions, or suggestions for improvements on this map email us at [email protected].
The interactive map visualizes the existing digital repositories in South Africa as well as country searches across selected generalist repositories and indexing services.
Explore this map by clicking on individual nodes and see descriptions, websites, and other information. With the navigation buttons to the right, you can zoom in and out, and select and focus on specific elements.
The Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) SA is South Africa’s premier open-access (free to access and free to publish) searchable full-text journal database in service of the South African research community. The database covers a selected collection of peer-reviewed South African scholarly journals and forms an integral part of the SciELO Network project. SciELO SA is managed by the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), funded by the South African Department of Science and Technology (DSI) and endorsed by the South African Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).
African Journals Online (AJOL) is a web platform for African-published journals. It is a partnership of journals committed to increasing the international profile of Africa's scholarly work and improving access to African-originated knowledge.
Open Access by country. Showing output counts, number and percentage of accessible outputs published between 2000 and 2021. You can sort and filter by region, subregion, number of publications, and open access levels. You may also search for a specific country in the search bar at the top right.
The Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative (COKI) is a strategic initiative of the Research Office at Curtin, the Faculty of Humanities, School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry and the Curtin Institute for Computation [in Australia], with additional support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and Arcadia.
FAIRsharing is a curated, informative and educational resource on data and metadata standards, inter-related to databases and data policies.
DOAJ is a unique and expansive repository that contains a wide range of open access journals worldwide. It is driven by a community dedicated to ensuring the accessibility of high-quality content to all online users, free of charge.