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Using Open Access Research Discovery Solutions to Increase Research Outputs & Visibility for University of Cape Coast & CARLIGH Members

Training Centre in Communication(TCC Africa) together with Knowledge Unlatched to introduce Open Access Research Discovery Solutions to the members of University of Cape Coast and CARLIGH

Published onAug 19, 2022
Using Open Access Research Discovery Solutions to Increase Research Outputs & Visibility for University of Cape Coast & CARLIGH Members

This workshop was a collaborative initiative by the Training Centre in Communication (TCC Africa), Knowledge Unlatched, Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana (CARLIGH), and the University of Cape Coast and was held on 11th August 2022.

Ms. Joy Owango, Executive Director at TCC Africa introduced and demonstrated how to use the research discovery tool Dimensions, in improving the visibility and access of research outputs.

Wilson de Souza, from Knowledge Unlatched, introduced the Open Research Library which is an open access hosting platform for different open access content in different disciplines.

Recording of the Session

Video 1

Video 2

About Dimensions

Dimensions is a modern, innovative, linked research data infrastructure and tool, re-imagining discovery and access to research: grants, publications, citations, clinical trials, patents, and policy documents in one place.



CARLIGH is the acronym for the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Ghana. The Consortium has come a long way since its inception in 2004, when the Ghana interlibrary Lending and Document Delivery Network (GILLDDNET), originally set up under 1996 IFLA/DANIDA project, was dissolved. From an initial membership of six (6), made up of five (5) public university libraries and one research institute, CARLIGH now has forty-two (42) members made up of eight (8) public and 19 private university libraries, six (6) Technical University libraries, six (6) training institution libraries, two (2) special libraries and one research institution library.


About the University of Cape Coast

The University of Cape Coast was established in October, 1962 as a University College and placed in a special relationship with the University of Ghana, Legon. On October 1, 1971, the College attained the status of a full and independent University, with the authority to confer its own degrees, diplomas and certificates by an Act of Parliament - The University of Cape Coast Act, 1971 [Act 390] and subsequently the University of Cape Coast Law, 1992 [PNDC Law 278].

The University was established out of a dire need for highly qualified and skilled manpower in education. Its original mandate was therefore to train graduate professional teachers for Ghana’s second cycle institutions and the Ministry of Education in order to meet the manpower needs of the country’s accelerated education programme at the time.

From an initial student enrolment of 155 in 1963, the University of Cape Coast now has a total student population of 74, 720


About Knowledge Unlatched

Knowledge Unlatched (KU) makes scholarly content freely available to everyone and contributes to the further development of the Open Access (OA) infrastructure. Our online marketplace provides libraries and Institutions worldwide with a central place to support OA collections and models from leading publishing houses and new OA initiatives.


About TCC Africa

The Training Centre in Communication(TCC Africa), is the first African-based training center to teach effective communication skills to scientists. TCC Africa is an award-winning Trust, established as a non-profit entity in 2006 and is registered in Kenya.  TCC Africa provides capacity support in improving researchers output and visibility through training in scholarly and science communication.


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