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Lanfrica and AfricArXiv Announce Strategic Partnership

AfricArxiv announces partnership with Lanfrica in supporting open access in Africa

Published onMay 03, 2022
Lanfrica and AfricArXiv Announce Strategic Partnership

We are delighted to announce our partnership with Lanfrica in supporting open access in Africa, and increasing the discoverability of African language resources in Africa including initiatives related to natural language processing and indigenous language dissemination. 

AfricArXiv is one of several prominent digital repositories that host African language resources. Therefore this partnership with AfricArXiv will expand and enhance Lanfrica’s services, in the sense that it will provide access to a wide range of digitized African content.

This partnership between Lanfrica and AfricArXiv will further increase the discoverability and visibility of the African language research output and resources supporting African scholarly communication across the continent in local languages. Thereby, we are now able to contribute to increase in science literacy and encouraging the adoption of traditional African languages in research context.

Johanssen Obanda, AfricArXiv

A major goal for Lanfrica in 2022 is to collaborate with repositories and data providers that showcase African language resources in order to vastly increase the number of linked, discoverable resources. The partnership with AfricArXiv will be the first major step in this direction. AfricArXiv is home to several Africa-owned resources (research papers in diverse fields, etc) and this partnership will enable Lanfrica to link far more African language resources from AfricArXiv.

The combined effort between Lanfrica and AfricArXiv will work to support open access in Africa, and increase the discoverability of African language efforts.

Chris Emezue, Lanfrica

About Lanfrica

Lanfrica aims to mitigate the difficulty encountered in the discovery of African language resources by creating a centralized hub. For instance, if you’re looking for resources (datasets, research papers, models, or software ) in a particular African language, Lanfrica will point you to the different sources on the web that have such resources in your desired language. In the deficient case, we adopt a participatory approach by allowing you to contribute resources. Read more about the motivation and scope of Lanfrica in our About section or in our blog.


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About AfricArXiv

AfricArXiv is a community-led digital archive for African research, working towards building an African-owned open scholarly repository; a knowledge commons of African scholarly works to catalyze the African Renaissance. We partner with established scholarly repository services to provide a platform for African scientists of any discipline to present their research findings and connect with other researchers on the African continent and globally.

Email: [email protected]


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