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Call for African Marine Researchers

The call for participation by the OA-Africa network gives an opportunity for African researchers interested in ocean acidification.

Published onApr 06, 2021
Call for African Marine Researchers

To build the capacity of African institutions in monitoring and research on ocean acidification, we hereby share a call for participation by the OA-Africa network addressed to African marine researchers.

Ocean Acidification Africa (OA-Africa) is a pan-African network specifically convened to coordinate and promote ocean acidification (OA) awareness and research in Africa. Research activities on ocean acidification and related stressors on the African continent are developing rapidly in response to a clear need for action to minimize and address the impacts posed by changing climatic and system-wide changes. OA-Africa  is composed of scientists interested in conducting research on ocean acidification monitoring and observation in Africa and they are part of the wider Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network 

OA-Africa aims to:

1. Ensure Africa is resilient and knowledgeable of potential threats and mitigation/adaptation strategies available to combat ocean acidification.

2. Develop a network of scientists working together to provide (1) information to stakeholders and policymakers, (2) provide guidance and direction (3) coordinate activities related to OA research and monitoring (4) identify broad support for increase OA research and monitoring (5) promote the advancement of science.

3. Facilitate collaboration between scientists, stakeholders, and policymakers to build an understanding of social, biological, and physical impacts and implications of ocean acidification

Image source:

Over the last 7 years, we have developed a targeted program to increase capacity to do ocean acidification monitoring and research in developing countries. We ran about 20 trainings, reached over 400 scientists and provided equipment to many institutions.

Ocean Acidification capacity evaluation

Ocean acidification experts have developed a questionnaire to identify needs and design future capacity-building efforts (equipment, training). This information will be beneficial for the African research community and guide future actions. An anonymous database will be created and shared with the community. A summary will be integrated in an OA-Africa white paper targeting policymakers to attract ocean acidification research resources in Africa.

To participate, you should be a staff member at an African institution working on marine science. You do not need to be currently working on an ocean acidification project. This evaluation is to provide targeted support to institutions and optimize their chances to initiate monitoring and research on ocean acidification in the near future.

Please fill in the following questionnaire; it should only take about 15-20 minutes:

Fill in the questionnaire here.

To allow us to assess the ocean acidification research capacity across the continent, please do  share the questionnaire with your colleagues.

Should you already have answered a previous version of the questionnaire, please answer again to report progress over time.

Thank you!

Dr. Sam Dupont

Capacity building focal point for the Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (OA-ICC)
Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
ORCID: 0000-0003-2567-8742 
e-Mail: [email protected]

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