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A podcast: Making African Science Visible

A podcast by Peter Schmidt between AfricArxiv and Society of Research Software Engineering.

Published onFeb 20, 2021
A podcast: Making African Science Visible

The AfricArXiv team contributed to the third episode of Code for Thought, a podcast on ‘software, engineering, research and anything in between’ created by Peter Schmidt of the Society of Research Software Engineering.

Find out how AfricArXiv is making  research output in and about Africa visible through this interactive podcast. 

The publish or perish for researchers and scientists. In addition to that many researchers and scientists from African countries struggle to get their work published and recognised. The team around AfricArXiv work hard to address that. - Peter Schmidt

Here are a few links mentioned in this episode you may want to check:

About Society of Research Software Engineering

The Society of Research Software Engineering was founded on the belief that a world which relies on software must recognise the people who develop it. Our mission is to establish a research environment that recognises the vital role of software in research. We work to increase software skills across everyone in research, to promote collaboration between researchers and software experts, and to support the creation of an academic career path for Research Software Engineers

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