Within the concept of Open Science, Open Access publishing plays a key role for the dissemination and unrestricted accessibility of research results across disciplines. Types for Open Access vary from green, to gold, diamond, hybrid and black and allow for sharing of manuscripts and datasets directly or with certain limitations, restrictions or delays (embargos) to be viewed publicly. So then how is it possible to make an informed decision about repository and journal selection or data dissemination? Similar questions arise when it comes to the quality assurance of scholarly output. Recently established organizations nowadays offer platforms and communities for publisher-independent open peer review processes that may complement or even replace Peer Review as we know it. In this workshop, you will learn how to deposit your manuscripts and datasets in open repositories. We will discuss and compare digital platforms, and learn how to make informed decisions about journal selection and data dissemination. Make your research output discoverable and accessible so that the results of your research can unfold societal impact and benefits.