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How to write a good scientific paper for publication: Writing compelling papers

This webinar is all about teaching the style and conventions of writing for a peer- reviewed science journal publishing and choosing the right journal for publications.

Published onAug 05, 2020
How to write a good scientific paper for publication: Writing compelling papers

Event poster


The BASUG Academia Universiti Putra Malaysia (BASUGA) has organised a webinar through which scientists in Malaysia and Nigeria were able to learnt about best practices in scientific publications, ethical considerations in publishing research findings, identifying predatory publishers and standalone journals, and a lot more. Webinar details were shared to the scientific community via WhatsApp and get them registered prior to the time.

Our speaker for the webinar was Umar Ahmad who holds a PhD in Genetics and have a vast experience in publishing best practices in the field of sciences and has been a reviewer for BMC Cancer (Q1 Journal), Genomics (Q1 Journal) and Disease Markers (Q2 Journal). He is currently volunteering to help African Scientists to be more discoverable through AfricArXiv, an Open Access repository platform for African scientists to share their research outputs and datasets freely at anytime. Watch the webinar video to find more...

Webinar recording

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