Lesson 1 to 3, phonetics and greetings
Author: Gibrilla Kamara
April 2023
Classes 1 to 3
Learning objectives:
By the end of this unit, learners will be able to:
Identify pictures and discuss them
Read the letter sound in the Limba alphabet.
Distinguish between consonant and vowel sounds
Merge consonant and vowel sounds to make syllabic sounds
E.g. banka, manthoka, kubonka, kumpa, Lekethe gbͻdͻ
Pre-reading and pre-writing skills of Hulimba sounds.
Ɔ Ɔ Ɔ Ɔ Ɔ |
С С С С С |
Ɔ Ɔ Ɔ Ɔ Ɔ |
Limba autography
A, B, ͻ, D, E, Ɛ, F, GB, H, I, K, L, M, N, ŋ, O, P, R, S, TH, T, U, W, Y
A, B, ͻ, D, E, Ɛ, F, GB, H, I, K, L, M, N, Ŋ, O, P, R, S, TH, T, U, W, Y
vowel sounds (ŋatͻŋa ŋa ŋatɛ ŋaŋ)
a, b, ͻ, d, e, ɛ, f, gb, h, i, k, l, m, n, ŋ, o, p, r, s, th, t, u, w, y
a ͻ e ɛ i o u
Vowel | A | E | I | O | U | ͻ | ɛ |
Consonant | |||||||
B | Ba | Be | Bi | Bo | Bu | bͻ | Bɛ |
D | Da | De | Di | Do | Du | Dͻ | Dɛ |
F | Fa | Fe | Fi | Fo | Fu | Fͻ | Fɛ |
Gb | Gba | Gbe | Gbi | Gbo | Gbu | GBͻ | Gbɛ |
H | Ha | He | Hi | Ho | Hu | Hͻ | Hɛ |
K | Ka | Ke | Ki | Ko | Ku | Kͻ | Kɛ |
L | La | Le | Li | Lo | Lu | Lͻ | Lɛ |
M | Ma | Me | Mi | Mo | Mu | Mͻ | Mɛ |
N | Na | Ne | Ni | No | Nu | Nͻ | Nɛ |
Ŋ | Ŋa | Ŋe | Ŋi | Ŋo | Ŋu | Ŋͻ | Ŋɛ |
P | Pa | Pe | Pi | Po | Pu | Pͻ | Pɛ |
R | Ra | Re | Ri | Ro | Ru | Rͻ | Rɛ |
S | Sa | Se | Si | So | Su | Sͻ | Sɛ |
Th | Tha | The | Thi | Tho | Thu | Thͻ | Thɛ |
T | Ta | Te | Ti | To | Tu | Tͻ | Tɛ |
W | Wa | We | Wi | Wo | Wu | Wͻ | Wɛ |
Y | Ya | Ye | Yi | Yo | Yu | Yͻ | Yɛ |
Hora kaaye (Two Syllables)
Ta+ka | taka | sheep |
Da+ma | dama | Hunt |
Pa+ma | Pama | scare |
Ka+ma | Kama | Dance |
To+ta | Tota | Cook |
Pi+ya | Piya | Stop |
Ki+ta | Kita | Escape |
Ni+ne | Nine | Sleep |
Na+ma | Nama | How |
Ra+ka | Raka | Stone |
Ya+ri | Yari | Cat |
Ye+ma | Yema | Follow |
Ka+ta | Kata | Carry |
Gbo+ŋa | gboŋa | Road |
Gba+ku | Gbaku | Chief |
Te+te | Tete | Now |
Bɛ+ti | bɛti | Bird |
Ke+le | Kele | Sense |
Mɛ+ti | Mɛti | Town |
ŋͻ+ta | ŋͻta | Fall |
ŋɛ+na | ŋɛna | Shake |
Ba+ra | Bara | Meat |
Dͻ+ŋͻ | Dͻŋͻ | Sit down |
Sͻ+kͻ | Sͻkͻ | Word |
Po+ro | Poro | Noise |
So+bo | Sobo | Water well |
To+ko | Toko | Gug |
Pa+sa | Pasa | Diarrhea |
Mͻ+nɛ | Mͻnɛ | Poverty |
Yu+ka | Yuka | Tie |
Learning objectives:
By the end of this unit, learners will be able to:
Greet in Limba and in the appropriate time of the day.
Express questions associated with greetings in Limba.
Morning greetings
Practice dialogue one
Kaba: Hɛribahure wɛndama Good morning.
Musa: Iyo, hɛmͻŋ inwali Yes, hello sir.
Kaba: Mbɛ kenda? What is your name?
Musa: Yama dͻma Musa, ambu yi? My name is Musa, and you?
Kaba: Yama Kaba I am Kaba.
Language focus
Nwali ------------ This can be “thanks” which literally means “Hello”
Kenda------------- keŋ means name, nda is the possessive pronoun. It is “your name”
Practice the dialogue with any Limba neighbour, or with a learning companion.
Afternoon greetings
Ami: Nwali Fathu Good afternoon Fatu. Fathu: Iyo Ami, nama gbɛɛn baŋ? Yes Ami, how is the afternoon?
Ami: Alathanthu Thanks be to God.
Fathu: Kama yi key? Where are you going? Ami: Yando key ka mɛti I am going to town.
Language focus
Kama ---------- Where
Yi --------------- You (singular) Pronoun
Alathanthu -------- (Ala means “God” borrowed from Arab) thanthu means “thanks”
Evening greetings
Dora: Hɛribayiŋe Pa Sori Good evening Pa Sori.
Pa Sori: Iyo Dora nama hͻnkͻlɛ baŋ? Yes Dora, how is the evening?
Dora: Alathanthu, ambu yi? Thanks to God, what about you?
Pa Sori: A kaahi ye It is difficult.
Dora: Mbɛmu niyͻ yi? What is wrong with you?
Pa Sori: Kotho haŋ huna yama thoŋ. I have a stomach ache
Dora: Thͻͻrͻ nɛɛ. I am very sorry.
Pa Sori: Iyo! Yes.
Language focus
Hͻnkͻlɛ baŋ Hͻnkͻlɛ = evening. Baŋ= article “the” the evening
Thͻͻrͻ nɛɛ Thͻͻrͻ = Sorry Nɛɛ = is emphasis